Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Day at the Zoo

We had such a great day at the zoo! Thanks, Siri, for the passes! It was nice to get out (even though it was FREEZING, at least to us Arizona girls) and let the kids see all the animals. Max is starting to know the animals more, their names and noises, so it's fun to see how excited he gets. He really had a blast today, especially following Jack around! Of course, he was so excited about the merry-go-round at the end, but as soon as the "gator" started going up and down, Max was more than ready to be done. I don't know if we'll go back any time soon, though. Most of the time just being home is a good enough "trip" to the zoo for me;)


Sean, Siri, Addie and Connor said...

I am so happy that it worked out for all of us to be together.

Redd family said...

what a fun day! siri and i were commenting on how calm and tantrum free the kids were....makes such better moms!!!

Brooke Allison said...

Cute pictures. Max was so funny on the carousel.

mk said...