Thursday, May 17, 2007

Swim swim swim

Max and I have had quite the week! First of all, I just want to say that I am the worst mom ever, as evident in this picture of Max with a black eye...I walked into the bathroom and he was in the bedroom and somehow fell and hit the bedframe. Saddest thing I've ever witnessed. Why does it seem like it's always harder on the moms?!

Something Morgan and I have been loving see this week is Max and Bandit's relationship growing. Max will follow Bandit around the house trying to make him hug him and rub his face in his fur. Bandit puts up with it, and especially loves it when Max walks around the house with one of his dog treats. Max has learned not to eat them but to tease Bandit with them. He is "ruffing" pretty good and when we ask him "Where's Bandit?" he looks for Bandit and starts "woofing." Such a smart kid!

Other than that, we have been swimming every day and pretty much enjoying this hot weather! Today we went swimming up at Siri's pool (compliments of Siri who is vacationing in Utah!) with Parker and Brooke. Morgan came over for a minute before getting back to studying for his last final (yay!) scheduled for tomorrow. At home we get in the pool a lot, too. Max is learning to love the water and is very brave in trying new things. He'll even paddle a little bit when we lay him on his tummy. His legs go as straight and stiff as boards, though. That's always funny to see!!

Just to warn you: now that Morgan is going to be home for the summer, count on a lot less blogging from me. I'm going to spend every second I can enjoying his being home!!


Z Family said...

What wonderfull updates!! Dont feel bad about the eye, but I know how you feel. When Ellie was 6 weeks old I decided I would go against the better advice of EVERYONE and use baby finger nail clippers on Ellie. I clipped through her the meat and skin and didnt even touch the nail. The poor girl screamed bloody murder and I watched her first bloody ouchie happen at my hands. To this day, I bite Ellie's nails.

What are the dates you will be in Newport Beach. We would like to meet up and plans some activites with you both. It will be lots of fun!!

mk said...

SO CUTE!! He is getting SO blonde. Can't wait to see you guys! loveyoutonsmom