Thursday, January 11, 2007

Latest stats

Max is 29 inches long = 70th percentile
19.12 lbs = 40th percentile (weightloss due to being sick over Christmas and his increase in activity is what the doctor said)
I can't remember what size his head is, but he's in the 65th percentile for that. He is so nicely proportioned! Got his flu shot and didn't even cry!! Such a tough little guy! Held his basketball the whole time and grunted. All the nurses thought he was the cutest guy they'd ever seen. But of course he gets that wherever we go...I think most people think he's adopted because he's always in his polo outfits and I'm pretty much in a ponytail and sweats!!
Anyways, the week has flown by and now I'm off to go watch The Office!!

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