Sunday, October 29, 2006

Tuckered out from the ward Halloween party... Crawling into the office while Morgan is supposed to be watching him...

So many updates this week!! He is now crawling ALL OVER the place which is fun and scary at the same time. Only once or twice have I found him in Bandit’s food, under the coffee table, and in my bathroom closet. He’s so funny! Time to baby-proof I guess...
Also we have had a breakthrough in another area: his mouth now contains one small snaggle tooth! It’s the front bottom one and it is as cute as can be. No biting yet and so far hasn’t been too fussy about it. We're hopeful we'll see more soon!!
Morgan was especially excited this week when Max started saying “Dada” over and over again…that’s right, the little guy is starting to talk! We still don’t know if he really associates Morgan with it, but he gets really quiet and whispers it when he does. It’s adorable.
This week Max and Morgan got to spend a little bit more time together. Max now puts both arms up in the air (when coached), copies me/Morgan when we bang our hands on the floor, and LOVES dancing with his dad in the kitchen!
He is getting so big and we're counting down the days until we can come up and see everyone! Okay, maybe not. The weather is now beautiful and we hear it's snowing in Salt Lake so maybe everyone should come down here and visit us!!!

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