Monday, January 27, 2014

January is over?! What?!

Basketball has begun!!

Bowling date night with the kiddos

Riding bikes home from school

Lots of disney days...cold disney days even!

Obsession with Buzz Lightyear continues

Did I mention we have gone to Disneyworld a lot this month? We have.

Same bowling date...

New books to read!

Different Disney day!

Warm baths....

New Year's eve celebration!

He only got one bad burn. Whoops!

More basketball!

Everyone loves a parade!

William is so cool riding his motorcycle next to the cop...The cops name was William, too! This was at the UF Game.

Happy New Year!!

Rollin' with my hommie

UF Game...meeting Albert
Wiped out in my bed...taking Morgan's place.
So handsome going to church!

Saturday, January 25, 2014

William's 2nd birthday...for real. The chunky man is 2. CRAZY!

loves from London

what is it what is it? This kid LOVES opening presents!!

Little minnion treats with friends...I didn't get any pictures with his friends of course.

My love!!

Did I forget Thanksgiving?

Will LOVED being chased by the turkey neck. He is weird that way. And so is Morgan for insisting he chase the kids each year with this thing.

I apparently suck at taking pictures so here is our table before everyone came to dinner. Not that impressive.

Good buddies...Sammers and Eli are friends for life!

Head chef

crafts before little gobblers!!

The holidays

Christmas Eve with great friends

Best families!!

William the sheep in the Nativity

London was very concerned about being Mary and having a baby...was very reverent throughout the entire play.
Cutest bunch of kiddos was a very sweet night filled with the nativity story, caroling, and yummy desserts
Christmas morning!

Random cookie decorating..yummy even without frosting!

Christmas morning cinnamon I have ever made! I got up at 3 a.m. to make them! Ok, I so did not.

My cookie monster

My handsome captain america in his new jammies from Gramma

Will was excited about EVERYTHING! But he especially loved his new Frankenweenie stuffed animal...he sleeps with that and Lotso now.

Christmas morning

The gangs all here

Loves his legos!

Gingerbread making with friends

Will and his little girl buddy, her!

Up to something naughty

Minute to win it games for kids and night of games ever!

London's School Christmas Program...she cried the entire performance.

All of her little ward buddies she goes to preschool with...she is standing next to her little boyfriend, William

Treat she and Max decorated for her school snack